About us

The Calibre Story

Calibre was founded during lockdown where the vision to create a product in harmony with nature, became a reality. With 25 years of experience in interior design, furniture restoration & real estate, the love for “paint” came naturally and so, a new journey began.

While working and revamping a community building on a shoestring budget, creativity and thinking out of the box became my new best friend. For more than a year, many experiments and tons of research took place in my garage and at my kitchen table. CALIBRE was created ‘by accident, but developed and improved by sheer determination and little sleep.

Following the belief that buildings and homes should not be disconnected from the
materials they are built with but respected, the decision was made to be true to nature. CALIBRE is made with matured mineral clay and the finest pigments to develop a unique selection of natural colours for both modern and traditional buildings. CALIBRE cures by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, a magnificent and natural occurring process.

CALIBRE represents the elemental cycle of rock, fire, water & air… you will be “painting” nature onto your walls. CALIBRE is user-friendly, eco-friendly and of superb quality, I love to call this, superior excellence.

CALIBRE SUPERIOR ECO PLASTER & PAINT – it gives you the flexibility to create a unique & beautiful space.
I hope that you will love CALIBRE as much as I do.

Heibre xx

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